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Lucas McTimothy

Head of Design

Gemma Jackson

Content Strategist

Oliver Stagehand

Customer Specialist

Emily Jackson

Production Manager


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Discover Hidden Gems

Uncover the Untold Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the podcast about?

Hidden Gems of history is a podcast that explores local legends, unsung heroes, and remarkable events that have

How often are new episodes

New episodes of Hidden Gems of history are released weekly, allowing you to discover a new fascinating story every week.

Can I suggest a topic for an

Absolutely! We love hearing suggestions from our listeners. If you

How can I support the

You can support Hidden Gems of history by subscribing to the podcast on your favorite podcast platform, leaving a review,

Are there any bonus

Yes, occasionally we release bonus episodes that delve deeper into a specific topic or feature interviews with experts. These bonus episodes provide even more fascinating insights into the hidden gems of history.


Hidden Gems of history is a podcast that delves into local legends, unsung heroes, and remarkable events that have shaped our communities. It shines a light on the



Hidden Gems